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How to create pie crust with and without a Vitamix blender

Vitamix pie crust recipe

I've loved eating pie since when I was little, and then we mostly order it or just pick it up on our way home,  but growing up, I've come to realize that nothing is more satisfying than making your pie at the comfort of your home, so I have taken it upon myself to share a special way you can make pie crust pizza with Vitamix blender.

Making pie crust is not as hard as you'd think, you just have to follow these easy steps


  • 2 cups of all-purpose Flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon sugar
  • 6 Teaspoon cold water
  • 2 Tablespoon vinegar
Those are the ingredients I'm going to use for my Vitamix pie crust, now let's get to the main part


  1. Combine your flour, sugar, salt, and butter into your Vitamix blender, cover, and pulse about 10 times.
  2. Add the vinegar and water to the mixture, and pulse again 8 more times. make sure not to get blended, so as not to turn your dough into a smoothie.
  3. Remove your dough from the blender, carve it into a circular shape, wrap a plastic wrap around your dough and refrigerate for 1/2 hours before you roll it out into dough.
So now you know how to make a pie crust with your Vitamix blender, but to also be fair on the part of those without a food processor like the Vitamix, I'm going to share with you a way you can make pie crust without a food processor.

First step...

You'll still need to make use of the ingredients listed above with the inclusion of unsalted butter, and exclusion of vinegar

Below is the step-by-step guide to creating a pie crust without a food processor

  1. In the creation of the dough, combine 2 cups of all-purpose flour,1 teaspoon salt,t, and 1teasppon sugar in a bowl, cut a portion of the unsalted butter, and mix with a pastry blender until the mixture looks like a coarse meal.
  2. Add about 3-4tablespoonsn ice water, and mix this with your hand until the dough comes together. If the dough hasn't mixed well, simply add more ice water into it, make use of your tablespoon, and do not add more than 3(or 4 as the case may be)
  3. Cut your dough into half, and use your rolling pin to flatten both halves and wrap in plastic, and then refrigerate for about an hour.
  4. To get the pie shell, flour your surface and roll the dough on it, into about a 13-inch round, wrap it around the rolling pin, and carefully unroll a nine-inch pie plate.
  5. Carefully place it into the bottom of a plate, making sure it rests on the sides, make use of knife or kitchen shears to the cuff of excess dough until it's just an inch over the plate.
  6. Crimp with fingertips and knuckles. Do these again with the remaining dough, wrap each with plastic, and freeze.
So that's just it ,nothing hard about that right? So make yours and be sure to tag us on Instagram

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