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Top 7 most popular south African Dishes

There is a lot to enjoy when you step foot in South Africa, and this includes the food. As a tourist, your stay in South Africa will be incomplete without having a taste of some delicious South African dishes.

The Indians, French, Malaysians, Dutch and a whole lot of other people who had lived, and are still living in South Africa had contributed greatly to the way the traditional South African dishes are prepared.

 In your quest of finding delicious south African delicacies to try out, I have combined a list of the most popular South African dishes.

Top 7 Most Popular South African Dishes


Boerewors is one of the most popular South African delicacies, as it is widely eaten by people of different tribes and cultures. This is a food popular in cape town.

 If you're interested in cooking the Boearewor, then follow the tips below

How to Prepare Boearewor

Using Barbecue Grill

While using this method, simply cook your sausage on both sides for about 20-25 minutes and turn the sausage around using your tongs.

Roasting in Oven

If you decide to follow this method, all you have to do is to turn your oven heat to about 325°, place your sausage in a heatproof dish or container, while cooking drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil on the sausage, and turn sausage after ten minutes. Check if it's ready to serve, if not you can cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Note that you are not to boil your sausage, also avoid piercing the sausage when cooking as this may release the moisture in the sausage.


How to make Braai South African Dish

Braai is one of the favorite food of the indigenous people of southern Africa. It is simply the act of barbecuing meat on an open fire.

You may ask yourself what the difference between barbecue and braai is, in my opinion, the major difference between barbecue and braai is the open fire. Braai is cooked on an open fire, while barbecue is cooked on a local or gas grill.


Another traditional south African food on my list of Top 7 Most popular south African dishes is Bobotie. It is said to have been brought to South Africa by the Asian settlers, and it has stood the test of time and become one of the eaten traditional South African dishes.

 In the Bobotie recipe, mean are minced and simmered with spices like herbs, dried fruits, and curry powder, then garnished with a mixture of milk and egg and baked until it's ready to eat.

Tomato Bredie

If you're eating tomato Bredie for the first time, then I'm sure you'll try it again. This recipe was brought into South Africa by the Malays. It was traditionally cooked with mutton, but in this modern times lambs are being used, and tomato, ginger cinnamon, and chili are some of the major ingredients for preparing Tomato Bredie.


This South African dish is almost the same as a hamburger, but there is a little difference, and the difference is the meat. Vetkoek is a fried doughnut stuffed with minced meat, while a hamburger may be stuffed with vegetables, meat, mayonnaise, and other ingredients.

The doughnuts are immediately filled with the minced meat right from the grill, thus giving it an unending aroma and unique taste.

Bunny Chow

Bunny chow is a traditional South African food made by filling curry into a hollowed-out loaf of white bread. This recipe was brought into South Africa by the Durbans who settled in South Africa.

The main Ingredients of Bunny chow are Bread and Curry, and it doesn't contain bunny(rabbit).

And now for the last south African dish in my list of the top 7 south African dishes...... Drumroll 


Also known as sticky donuts, this is a sweetened dessert recipe that is perfect for someone who loves sweet dishes.

This South African food is made by rolling dough into rounded strips, then frying in a hot pot of oil(making sure the oil is plenty) afterward, the dough is put into a bowl of food syrup, then lashed with cinnamon, ginger, and lemon. A taste of this sweet dish sends to you heaven and back.
This is an ideal desert of the South Africans, and can be found in most bakeries in SA, and can also be prepared at home, it is a must to try out.

So there they are, there you have my top 7 Most Popular South African Dishes you can try out.

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