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Top 9 Best Healthy Late-Night Snacks

For some people, eating snacks late in the night has become a habit that they find hard to do away with, and for the good of all, I have combined a list of the best and healthy midnight snacks you can try out.

The best evening Snacks

When it comes to eating the best evening Snacks, certain things should be noted, and these are:
  • Eating a balanced diet during the day helps control people's cravings for food after dinner.
  • Eating a food diet containing too much sugar could cause an imbalance in someone's blood sugar.
  • Eating snacks or foods containing too many calories before bed could cause weight gain
With those being said, let's get to the most awaited part of the article.

Best and Most Healthy Midnight Snack


Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Generally, Oatmeal is known and recognized to be one of the best breakfasts, but aside from this, it's loaded with fiber, which will help get rid of hunger until breakfast time.
To enjoy your late-night snack, and also quench hunger, have a warm cup of oatmeal, also with a splash of milk for added benefits. You might as well add other oatmeal toppings like nut butter, berries, and other oatmeal toppings.

Boiled Potatoes

Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Potatoes are greatly known for their high carb rate, and they just might be the right and healthy midnight snack for you.
Research has proven that more people have picked potatoes as the best late-night snack, owning to the fact it made them feel fuller, and not crave more foods.
That aside, Potatoes are known to be packed with fiber, potassium, and many other nutrients which produce energy for the body.


Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

The intake of smoothies is one of the best, if not the best midnight snack. This mixture of fruits and/or vegetables can help achieve the desired level of satiety, and also provide the body with the required vitamins and nutrients.
Check out some of my top 6 easy fruit smoothies Here

Greek Yogurt

Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Apart from the fact that Greek yogurt contains body-friendly probiotics and protein, it also helps to stabilize blood sugar. Greek yogurt is a good late-night snack, and a combination of it and tart cherries are the best choices for your late-night snacking as they are very rich in fiber.


Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Are you surprised you saw corn on my list? Well, don't be, because corns are filled with carbs, and it's no longer news that corns are very filling, and it's also one of the best foods to help improve your sleep, and also make sure you're filled and don't go for late-night snacking.

So far I have mentioned the five Best Midnight snacks, all of which can be eaten to avoid weight gain, so let's get to the other part of this post

What is a Good Snack to Eat in the Middle of the Night

Most people ask "what should I eat at 2 AM?", and the first thing is don't feel bad if you find yourself constantly waking up at night for a snack, this can be caused by several facts, and one of t
the hem is that your brain already has an internal clock, what this means is that if you're used to eating late at night, your brain would send a signal to your body, to ensure that you feast on that leftover pizza or bag of chips. 
But not to worry,  I've got you covered with the perfect late-night snacks you can eat at 2 AM.

Best Midnight Snack for losing weight

Below are the best healthy late-night snacks for weight loss that will bring satiety to your stomach, without you gaining extra weight.


Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Although they are packed with only 100 calories each, bananas are good agents of satiety when it comes to fulfilling your craving for midnight snacks. 

They also contain full of the amino acid tryptophan, which your body uses to manufacture serotonin and melatonin—both important for mood and sleep regulation.

Dark Chocolate

I have received a couple of questions from people who ask if chocolate can be eaten when trying to lose weight, and it's a YES from me. But be careful, milk chocolate is known to contain a high dose of sugar, that is why I advise you to stick to dark chocolate. Ensure you eat about 70% of cocoa, to reach the satiety level of your body.


Top 9 Best Midnight Snacks you can try out

Hold up, before you get too excited about seeing popcorn on this list, you would need to twist the making process for your popcorn a little bit to satisfy your craving for night snacks, and also lose weight.
What do you have to do? Well, it's simple, just skip the butter part, and make use of sea salt, and other sensational spices instead. To make sure you still enjoy it like the one in the movie theater, you may sprinkle in a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese. 


Midnight Snack, Late night sack

Eating a mixture of nuts can also help to avoid craving excessive food or fatty food, just eat with caution, as nuts are known to contain a high amount of calories.

So there you have it, My list of the top 10 Best Midnight Snacks, Enjoy!

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