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Quick and easy homemade spaghetti recipe

Special spaghetti recipe

Do you like eating spaghetti ,and don't know the right recipe to use?,Well dont worry because Im going to share my special spaghetti recipe with you,after all there is love in sharing.

A study conducted showed that 95% out of every 100 people loves to eat this amazing dish.And this is why I have taken it upon my self to give to give you my recipe on how to make it.

Without further delay,let's get cooking


  • A pack of spaghetti (it can be more than that depending on the number of people you want to serve)
  • Cooking oil
1: The first thing to do is to per boil your spaghetti,this is done in order to get the desired texture and flavour out of the it.This is done by putting your it in a pot,add a little bit of oil to it,and reasonable amount of water to it and place it on the fire.

The reason why youll need to add oil to it is to prevent it from being sticky.You can also add a pinch of salt to it.

2: check your pasta regularly and make sure the heat is not too much.This should be ready in about ten minutes.after that sieve it and keep aside.

The reason you are to sieve you spaghetti is to remove he excess starch,you don't want to eat all of that.

Now that its ready,you can't eat it alone just like that right??,now let me also share this special spaghetti sauce recipe.

Spaghetti recipe

  • Pepper (of any type or colour)
  • Onions
  • Fish,meat, crayfish, shrimp,or chicken (All optional)
  • Cooking oil
  • Seasonings


1: In a pan or pot,add a reasonable amount of cooking oil,then slice in your onions,and place on the fire.

2: After some seconds,pour in your already blended pepper,stir if necessary.

3: after about five minutes,pour your fish,meat and other things into it,close and leave for another eight minutes.

4: After some minutes check the pepper and see if it's ready,if not,close the pot and wait patiently(you can add little quantities of water if necessary)

Once your sauce is ready,there are two ways you can dish it with your  and these are you either:Mix your spaghetti with the sauce,or serve with the and add sauce on top.

If you wish to mix it with the sauce,then pour it into the sauce while it's still on the fire,make sure to reduce the heat to avoid getting it burnt.mix well such that the sauce would touch every part of the spaghetti.

Now that you have the full guide on how to prepare spaghetti,and spaghetti sauce,why don't you give it a shot,I'll love to hear from you.

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