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How to make a good tea in 3 easy steps

How to make a good tea in 3 easy steps

How good it feels to have a warm cup of tea in the morning, or afternoon or night, okay I guess the period you drink it doesn't matter, but what matters is making the tea. Well, that's why I have compiled this post to teach you how to make a good tea in three easy steps.

Whether you're making your tea with a tea bag or leaf, it's important to follow the laid down steps to make yourself the best cup of tea, this process is on how to make a perfect tea with milk.


The first step in making a good tea is to boil your water. To achieve this, place a desirable amount of water in a kettle, turn up the heat and boil.


Put the kettle down from the fire and place your tea bag in a mug, make sure you make it stand, and put the rope out.


Add your milk to the cup, still making sure the team bag is standing. Afterward, pour in the hot water, stir and let it steep for about 2-3 minutes (depending on the type of tea).


How to make a good tea in 3 easy steps


  1. Do not boil your water for too long, the more oxygen in your water, the more you enjoy your tea.
  2. You can pour in your hot water before pouring in your milk, it doesn't make a difference, just stir afterward.


What can I add to my tea to make it better

I'm sure the first thing that comes to your mind on the issue of making a good tea is sugar but cut it out, we all know that the inclusion of these processed sugars does more harm than good in the human body, so here are five best accompaniment for a good tea :

  1. Citrus fruits(like lemons and oranges)
  2. Honey(I love this one)
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Ginger(very healthy, and nutritional)
  5. Coconut milk

Which is good, milk tea or lemon tea?

It depends on your taste, for instance, I prefer lemon tea to milk tea, but once in a while I still do take the milk tea. so it all depends on you.

Can I make a good team without a kettle

Yes you can, just boil your water in a microwave, and you'll get what you want, or better still in a pot or pan, it makes no big difference.

Can I pour my tea powder into the kettle

No, you'll ruin your tea, instead pour it into your tea cup, or mug.

So those are a few of the questions I have received on how to make a good tea.

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